topaz, chamber pegmatites, Korosten pluton, crystallogenesis, goniometry, inclusion of a mineral-forming environment.Abstract
The need for the use of crystallomorphology at the modern stage is substantiated not only for the diagnosis of minerals, but also for deciphering the conditions of their formation, because of its time-consuming nature and the small number of specialists, goniometric studies are often ignored. At the same time, a clear advantage of goniometry, compared to other methods of mineral research, is the ability to identify a mineral without destroying its crystals. Due to this, goniometric studies should be carried out as a priority; however, the method of crystal morphology studies, which in combination with other methods forms the basis of crystallogenesis, is currently insufficiently described. Based on our own research and a generalization of literature data, we have developed a complex method of crystal genetic studies using the example of topaz from chamber pegmatites of the Korosten pluton. On the one hand, thanks to crystal-morphological studies, the most important simple forms of topaz from different spatial-genetic mineral-structural zones of chambered pegmatites were revealed. On the basis of statistical data, the clustering of topaz polyhedra from the chambers to which the main amount of topaz is confined was carried out. Thanks to the analysis of the crystal structure, simple forms were found that will form under any conditions and will not carry genetic information. According to the habit of real crystals, the symmetry of the environment in which they were formed was revealed, and in some cases, the directions of the flows of mineral-forming fluids were clarified. These results were obtained while preserving the integrity of topaz polyhedra. On the other hand, for the completeness of the results, it is necessary to consider the anatomy of the crystals as well as the conditions of their formation: temperature, pH, pressure. For this purpose, the application of methods of research on the inclusions of the mineral-forming environment is proposed.
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