polyhalite, fluid inclusions, halite, homogenization temperatureAbstract
Polyhalite deposits at Kuntei Playa in the Qaidam Basin in China have been known for many years. However, the mechanism of formation of these deposits is still unclear. In this study, a typical section of these deposits in the northwestern part of the basin is selected for a comprehensive analysis of polyhalitic deposits, which includes sedimentological, mineralogical and thermobarogeochemical studies. The following was established: 1. The temperature of bottom brines during the formation of deposits in the lower part of the studied section ranged from 30.8 to 80.2°С. Obviously, the features of sedimentogenesis, in particular, the transformation of gypsum→polyhalite, are associated with the temperature regime of bottom brines during sediment accumulation; 2. According to thermobarogeochemical data, the gypsum deposition (gypsum salting out) was the cause of mixing of fresh waters enriched in Ca(HCO3)2 with concentrated sulfate brines of the basin at the stage of sedimentogenesis, which, under the action of dense bottom brine, turned into polyhalite. This mechanism of polyhalite formation was the main one in the studied area. This is confirmed by a natural increase in the percentage of clastic components with a simultaneous increase in the percentage of polyhalite and gypsum, and vice versa a decrease in clastic components with an increase in the percentage of halite and a decrease in the percentage of polyhalite and gypsum in the sediment section; 3. The morphology of polyhalite formations indicates that this mineral was also formed at the bottom of the sedimentation basin during the unloading of pore and intercrystalline brines of chemogenic-terrigenous sediments that were compacted; 4. Relics of potassium-magnesium minerals in the studied samples and the increased magnesium content in the brines of secondary inclusions in halite do not exclude the possibility of the occurrence of part of polyhalite due to the replacement of sylvine and carnalite during the influx of calcium with solutions from nearby oil deposits.
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