Olympic educational ground, practical skills, geological education, sandstones, argillites.Abstract
The Geology Olympics is organized by Ivan Franko National University of Lviv. This activity aims to stimulate the study of Earth Sciences among the young, assess and reward their efforts and academic excellence as well as to promote the relationship between the centers of professional education and the University. So, obtaining a good fundamental geological education when can provide the academic skills needed and to get a general understanding of geography, history, mathematics, and science. It can build practical skills in diverse terrain, and prepare for career as a geoscientist, mineral exploration geologist, geotechnical engineer or environmental consultant – all field where our graduates are working. In the process, can learn how to think clearly, analyze facts, solve problems, and generate productive ideas. Candidates perform task that is associated with any geological science: general geology, structural geology, paleontology, petrography, lithology, mineralogy, hydrogeology. For instance, student can explore maps, natural landmarks and composition rocks and minerals. Ukrainian students study geological particularities of region, test tasks and determine minerals and rocks. As in previous, the Olympics was divided into 3 distinct parts (theoretical, practical and experimental). The Olympic educational ground gives participant unique opportunity to learn and understand stratigraphic, structural, sedimentological and other features of geological structure in the Skyba zone of the Ukrainian Carpathians. In this study we present geological, lithological and structural investigations of the rock and coexisting minerals from the Skyba Formation of Paleogen age, which is situated near Grebeniv (the Western Ukraine), and some conclusions on its peculiarities and origin. The differences in macrostructures of the rocks are related to variation in sizes and shapes of glay minerals. Rocks from these localities has been found as layers and elongated lenses with common thickness up to few meters.
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