palynology, spores, palynozones, Carboniferous, Volyn-Podillya margin of the East-Europian platformAbstract
During the facial-palynological studying of the Carboniferous of the Volyn-Podillya margin of the East-Europian platform (VPM EEP) spores’ spreading peculiarities are distinquished. Two groups of taxons are defined: according to the peculiarities of vertical distribution – key, characteristic, transit ones; on the content – dominant, subdominant, rare. By the unique set of taxa of different categories, the palinozones are distinquished. They are allocated laterally, traced in sections of wells local specialized biostratigraphic units with a set of palynological features that allow easy recognition of deposits. In the Carboniferous of VPM EEP by spreading peculiarities of the key and characteristic taxa 15 palynozones have been identified. There are such categories: the Range-Zone (one unit), Concurent-Range Zone (seven), Assemblage-Zone (four), Teil-Zone, Acme-Zone (two units). In the Tournaisian sediments one zone was discovered, the Visean – seven, Serpukhov – three, and Bashkirs four. The generalized description of the palinozones, forming the local biostratigraphic scale, their correlation with the bio-subunits of adjacent regions and the relation with local litotratigraphic divisions are given. All the palinozones are comprehensively based on numerous palynological materials, characterized by a zonal spore complex, in the structure of which are all categories of taxa. Palinozones detail the sequence bedding, complement the paleontological characteristic and specify the stratigraphic position of the local lithostratigraphic subdivisions.
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