
  • L. Generalova
  • O. Gnylko
  • V. Padlyak
  • O. Solonchuk


sedimentation processes, lithodynamic types, fleece deposits, Skyba nappe, Ukrainian Carpathians, turbidity, hemipelagitis, contours


The purpose of the study of the lithodynamic types of the Upper Cretaceous and Lower Paleocene formations of the Skyba nappe of the Ukrainian Carpathians on the example of the Paraschka sediment deposits in the Sviatoslavsky quarry. Method. Applied a method of facial, in particular sedimentological analysis. The revealed structural and texture features of rocks were compared with the model diagnostic features of the lithodynamic types of sediments near continental ocean regions. Results, scientific novelty. In the career there is a rhythmic-cyclic alternation of gravel juniper, sandstone, siltstones, argillites, and marls. The overwhelming majority of rock types are characterized by structural and texture intervals of the sequences A. Boum, which allows them to be enumerated in turbidity. Turbidites are transfused with hemipelagitis, pelagitis, and contours. There are Debrits and Olistostroms. The section of the Stryan world, which distinguishes three illumination, according to the lithodynamic peculiarities can be compared with an idealized deep-water cone of the outflow (hairdryer), which localized at the foot of the Carpathian segment of the ancient continental outskirts of the ocean Tethys. Lower Stryish backlit is represented by fine-layered turbidite of the lower phoenix, rough-layered turbidites of Middle-earth illumination characterizing the lithodynamic types of the distribution channels of the deepwater channel system and lobed cones of the median drift, thin-rhythmic turbidity and hemipelagitis of the Upper Stryan backlight belong to the upper cone and the deposits of the plain of the basin, at depths greater than 2 500–3 000 m. Practical significance. The use of sedimentological analysis methods with the selection and study of the lithodynamic types of the Upper Cretaceous (Senonian-Lower Paleocene) Striian world allows not only to reconstruct geological processes, to form retrospective models of the evolution of the skibover formations and structures in the construction of the Ukrainian Carpathians and to participate in predicting the spatial-age distribution of lithophytes that is necessary for the search of minerals.


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