
  • V. Vashchenko
  • I. Turchynov
  • L. Heneralova


geopark, geotourism, geological landmatks, suite, object, outcrop, flysch, tectonic caves, Skolivs’ka skyba, Skybov nappe


The geotouristic route “Kamyanka” geopark is considered in detail. It is emphasized that it includes geological, geomorphological, hydro-hydrogeological types of geological landmarks and historical and cultural objects. The geopark covers a fragment of the Skolivs’ka skyba of Skybov nappe, which has a subhorizontal outfall. Its stratigraphic Upper Cretaceous-Lower Miocene section is represented by Stryys’ka, Yamnens’ka, Manyavs’ka, Vyhods’ka, Bystryts’ka and Menilitova (Krosnens’ka) Suites, which are objects of the geographic route and are well off-shore. In the lower reaches of Kamyanka River there is one of the most interesting objects of the geopark – a cascade of picturesque waterfalls, formed by erosion-resistant sandstones of the Lower Paleocene Yamnens’ka Suite. Geomorphological objects have aesthetic cognitive, attraction and recreational value. More than 20 cracked caves are open on the territory of the geopark. They constitute the largest complex of tectonic and erosion caves in sandstone in Ukraine. The territorial structure, the degree of representativeness of the geological monuments, the landscape structure of the Kamianka geopark makes it possible to hope that it occupies a worthy place in the developed medium-scale mapping model of the ecological network of the region for the purpose of cognitive and educational geotourism and educational geological, geographical and ecological practices.


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