
  • Ostap Ivasivka
  • Zenon Hevpa
  • Vasyl Dyakiv



salt karst, Stebnytsky deposit of potash ores, geological environment, man-made activation, cracks, infrastructure objects, living conditions of residents.


An analysis of the current state of the mining massif was carried out, the karstological situation was characterized, an assessment of the changes in the geological environment within the Stebnytsky deposit of potash salts in the area of the impact zone of the emergency mine No. 2 of the Stebnytsky GHP “Polymineral” on the state of infrastructure facilities and the living conditions of the residents of the village of Solets, Drogobytsk OTG from karst collapse phenomena in the period 2017–2020. It was established that after the complete flooding of mine No. 2, the man-made activated salt karst, in the zone of influence of the mining operations, which lasted from October 1978 to September 2020, completely stopped, the movement of underground water through the salt there are no rocks that caused their dissolution and collapse has not occurred for more than two years. To date, large karst sinkholes No. 27 and No. 30 formed in 2017 and 2020 are filled with water and karst lakes are formed in their place. At the same time, the slopes of the dips are deformed by numerous semicircular cracks and shear scales. During periods of intense precipitation, sufosis phenomena may become more active along the cracks with the formation of small satellite karst-sufosis depressions. Of the infrastructural objects, the most pronounced deformations were caused by karst collapse phenomena for the Lviv-Truskavets highway. More than 20 cracks with a length of 1 to 7 m and varying amplitude of displacement from 1 to 7 cm were recorded here. The observed cracks in the road surface do not pose a threat to the movement of motor vehicles. In the village of Solets, buildings with cracks were found, in particular, on Ulyana Kravchenko St. I recorded them on the ceiling and walls of the houses of local residents. At the same time, there are no cracks in most houses. Therefore, there are no sufficient grounds to talk about the connection between these cracks and karst collapse phenomena. According to the results of the survey of 50 local residents, it was established that most of the buildings were not affected by karst collapse processes, but most of the respondents were quite worried about the possible negative consequences.


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