
  • Ihor Bubniak
  • Serhii Tsikhon
  • Tetiana Tsikhon
  • Uliana Lushchak
  • Mykola Bihun



ArcGIS, ArcGeology1, Move program, ore body, Sauliak deposit.


The authors explore the use of modern computer programs that allow to effectively process spatial and attribute data that provide analysis and forecasting of ore bodies at a new qualitative level. The paper analyzes the theoretical and practical aspects of 3D modeling, including the use of ArcGIS and Move software packages for to create geological maps and three-dimensional models. Particular attention is paid to practical aspects of creating digital geological maps, as well as methods of of visualization and analysis of geodata. The article also contains information on the various stages of 3D model creation, from primary data collection to data processing and interpretation. Considerable attention is paid to the organization and analysis of databases in ArcGIS and Move programs, as well as their use for building complex 3D models. The authors emphasize the importance of 3D modeling in geology, especially in the context of building three-dimensional digital geological models that can be used to estimate reserves and prospects. The paper emphasizes the importance of integrating and analyzing diverse data in geological research and provides a valuable contribution to the development of 3D modeling methods in geological science. To reflect the practical aspects of creating 3D models of geological bodies we chose the Sauliak deposit, which is well studied with the help of underground mining workings. A model of the Sauliak deposit in three dimensions and the the location of the relevant adit horizons. As a result, the following were obtained three-dimensional models of the ore bodies of the Sauliak deposit, which can be used to calculate reserves, assess the prospects of deep horizons and flanks of the deposit. The article shows that according to distribution of minerals from the mineral associations of the productive complex can be used to outline prospective areas to identify po ssible ore deposits.


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