
  • Antonina Ivanina Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
  • Mykola Pavlun Ivan Franko National University of Lviv



geology, biostratigraphy, biozones, spores and pollen, standardized characteristics, Serpukhovian stage, Carboniferous, Volyn-Podillya margin of East-Europian platform


The subject of palynological research is fossil dispersed spores and pollen. The experience of using the palynological method in biostratigraphy, despite the mass and polytaxonity of fossil spores and pollen, makes it possible to use the general principles of biostratigraphic analysis for palynological material. The main feature by which palynozones are distinguished is the systematic composition of miospores, which is reflected in quantitative (dominant, subdominant, rare – by percentage content in the spectra) and qualitative (leading, characteristic, background – by features of vertical distribution) parameters. The standardized description of the palynozone should also include the following items: name, category, lateral distribution, thickness of the straton, geographic and geological position of the reference section where the deposits are in full, relative age, the nature of contacts with underlying and overlying rocks, correlation with other categories of strata, and interregional correlation with palynological subdivisions of adjacent regions. In addition to the above, in order to prevent violations of the rules of priority, it is necessary to indicate the author and the year of the first description (with an indication of the exact bibliographic reference). This form of presentation of stratigraphic information significantly organizes and facilitates its perception, is convenient for preservation and is a reliable tool for the analysis of valid scientific data. For the first time, a comprehensive standardized palynological characterization of the Monilospora mutabilis – Vestispora lucida zone, separated by spore-pollen data, is presented for the Carboniferous Cerpukhov deposits of the Volyn-Podilsky margin of the East European platform.


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