hydrocarbon extraction, optimization of condensate extraction, gas condensate deposits, normalization of geophysical parameters, gamma logging, geological modeling, Petrel, lithologic-facies modelAbstract
The article examines the geological conditions of hydrocarbon extraction at the later stages of exploitation of gas condensate fields using three-dimensional computer modeling. A review of literary sources and scientific achievements on the topic of the article was conducted. The main attention is paid to the study of the impact of a decrease in formation pressure, a change in the phase composition, water yield and other geological factors on the extraction of hydrocarbons. The benefits of 3D geological modeling using the Petrel platform for optimizing the development of hydrocarbon fields are discussed. The focus is on integrating different types of data, creating detailed reservoir models, and implementing simulation results for drilling and production planning. Based on the analysis of geological conditions at the later stages of operation of gas condensate fields, recommendations are given for optimizing the process of hydrocarbon extraction. as such, we offer the introduction of the latest hydraulic fracturing technologies, increasing pressure with the help of gas or water injection, as well as the use of hydrate and wa ter release inhibitors. Special attention is paid to the study of the influence of geological factors on the efficiency of hydrocarbon extraction, as it allows to increase the final coefficients of extraction in conditions of resource depletion, which is especially relevant for Ukraine, which is faced with a shortage of hydrocarbon raw materials. The conducted research indicates the importance of using accurate geophysical methods, such as gamma logging, to create reliable models of hydrocarbon deposits. A graphical implementation of the methods of normalizing the results of gamma logging to create a litho-facies model of the stratigraphic complex in the Petrel program is presented. The obtained results are dedicated to data normalization, demonstrate increased efficiency and accuracy of lithology forecasting for further scientific discoveries.
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