geology, geotourism, geotourism sites, geoheritage, geodiversity, conservation and protection, Middle Prydnisteria, Ternopil regionAbstract
Geotourism sites are geological objects and phenomena that are of interest to tourists. Ternopil region is one of the richest regions in Ukraine in terms of geotourism sites. The Middle Prydnisteria region stands out in particular, where there are a large number of geomorphological and stratigraphic sites that can be used for geotourism purposes. Most of them are unique and valuable from a scientific, aesthetic, and cognitive point of view. Particularly noteworthy are cave complexes, rocks, outcrops, and canyons. This region has long attracted world scientists to conduct geological research. A brief description of the region under study is given. It identifies 35 geotourism sites. For the first time, a classification of geotourism sites of the Middle Pridnisteria (Ternopil region) has been created and characterized with the allocation of such units as: groups and types – by genesis, categories – by morphological expression. The systematization of geturistic objects is carried out. In accordance with the newly created classification, nine objects are assigned to the historical and geological group, 24 – to the geodynamic group, two – to the group of hydrogeosites. A brief description of some geotourism sites is given. Each of them is significant in terms of scientific significance. Outcrops and sections allow us to establish the sequence of layers and the relative geological age of sedimentary rocks. The locations of ancient organisms help to restore the evolution of flora and fauna. The region’s cave complexes attract cavers from all over the world. A large number of geotourism sites in the region are located close to each other, which makes it possible to develop geotourism routes that are convenient in terms of accessibility in the future. To attract the attention of tourists, it is necessary to create a proper tourist infrastructure around geotourism sites.
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