metallogeny, forecasting, mineral deposit, ore formation, metallogenic and forecast maps, mineralization criteria.Abstract
Theoretical-methodological and criterion-conceptual basis of forecasting-metallogenic researches, and also the maintenance and methods of drawing up of metallogenic and forecasting maps as the most important practical reflection of laws of space-time distribution of solid minerals deposits have been analysed. Deposits are formed due to certain combinations of geotectonic, geochemical, petrological and actually ore-forming processes. Knowledge of informative interpenetration and logical interaction of these processes determines the rationality, reliability and success of predictive research of potentially ore-bearing rock complexes. Metallogenic features, and hence the signs (criteria) of the manifestation of mineralization are always different at different stages of the geological history of the Earth's crust. Therefore, forecasting-metallogenic works should be performed taking into account only real, objectively available geological-geochemical and geophysical parameters of mineralization, which can be traced, documented, mapped and fully or as much as possible objectified in the process of compiling metallogenic and forecast maps. The metallogenic map shows the patterns of formation and localization of useful minerals, metallogenic zoning of the country or individual regions, the classification of metallogenic objects. In the case of such maps, two approaches are used: paragenetic (localization of deposits is determined on the basis of generalization of information about the confinement of deposits to certain geological formations and tectonic structures) and genetic (applied to sedimentary minerals that are part of the stratigraphic section and reflect sedimentation processes). Today, forecast maps are preferred because, unlike metallogenic ones, they reflect conclusions about possible, but not yet discovered ore-bearing areas and deposits, their long-term assessment, often with a description of their species and sequence. In fact, the forecast map is not one map, but a set of maps with a corresponding explanatory note.
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