vitrin, fusion, clarine, duren-clarine, clarine-durine, duren, kennel, release of volatile substances, plastic layer thickness, metamorphism, vitrinite reflectivity, heat combustionAbstract
The article evaluates and compares information about the initial carbonaceous plant material of the coal of the Lviv-Volyn and Donetsk basins, its macro-ingredient, micro-ingredient and microcomponent composition. Petrogenetic types of coal are shown and compared on 4 triangular diagrams. The quality of coal is characterized in 10 special tables, in which the laboratory numerical values of the content of mid-layer coal samples of the following indicators are given: analytical moisture, ash, total sulfur, yield of volatile substances, stickiness expressed by the thickness of the plastic layer “y”, calorific value in MJ/kg, the content of carbon – C, hydrogen – H, nitrogen and oxygen – Nо + Оо elements in the organic mass of coal. The metamorphism of coal, its gradients and stages, belonging to technological grades, changes in methane content according to grade and temperature of formation, according to gradients of metamorphism and depths of coal seams are described in detail. For the first time, the real temperatures of its formation in degrees Celsius were calculated for the deposits of the basin and technological grades of coal: Tyagliv coal grades G-70-90, Zh-100-120, Lubelsky coal grades K-120-140. It has been proven that if the need arises, the coal of the Lviv-Volyn basin can be successfully used instead of the currently insufficient energy and coking coal of the Donetsk basin. The industrial area of the Lviv-Volyn Basin is 2 500 km2. On it, the Volynske, Zabugske, Sokalske, Mezhyrichanske, Tyaglivske, Karivske (Lubelske), Buske and Bubnivske deposits of hard coal of various metamorphisms – from long-flame, gas and fatty, including coking coal, were discovered and explored in different ways. There are two coal mines in the Volyn coal deposit, and six mines in the Mezhyirichan mine. The total balance reserves of coal grades G and Z, categories A + B + C of the operating mines amount to 150 million tons, and 1,1 billion tons in the Tyaglivsk and Karivsk (Lyubelsk) deposits. Fields for the construction of new mines – Chervonohradska № 3, Chervonohradska № 4, Tyaglivska № 1 and Lubelska № 1 – have been explored in detail. The total resources and reserves of coal in the basin are about 2,2 billion tons, and they will be enough f or 120 years of mining.
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