ore minerals, pyrite, thermoelectric force, diagenesis, sedimentary rocks, Palaeo-cene, Ukrainian Carpathians.Abstract
Spatial variability of ore minerals' thermometric parameters reflects some peculiarities of dy-namics and physical-chemical conditions that have controlled mineral-forming fluids migration. We studied diagenetic pyrite from the deposits of the Palaeocene Yaremchanskyi horizon in the Pidbuzh-Yaremchanska copper mineralization area (Skybova zone of the Ukrainian Carpa-thians). Copper mineralization is confined to fine-grained well-sorted quartz sandstones with clay-carbonate cement. The morphometry of nodules and thermoelectric properties of diagenetic pyrite have been studied. A total of 1,950 measurements of thermoelectric force on 20 grains of pyrite were per-formed. It turned out that pyrite has both hole and electronic conductivity. In addition, the inner areas of pyrite grains have mainly hole conductivity, and the surface of the grains – electronic. This may indicate that during the crystallization of pyrite grains, trace elements in its crystal lat-tice (Ag, Cu) significantly changed their relationships. This led to a change in the conductivity of pyrite and, apparently, indicates certain changes in the mineral-forming environment during the crystallization of the mineral. Based on the morphometric characteristics of the studied pyrite grains, textural and structural relationships between its different morphological groups and measured thermoelectric parame-ters, it can be concluded that one generation of pyrite is widespread within the Pidbuzh-Yaremchanskyi copper ore occurrence.
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