
  • Orest Matkovskyi


geosites, mineralogical geosites (landmarks), nature reserve fund, Crimea, Ukraine.


Information on mineralogical geosites (landmarks) of Ukraine is given. It is noted that today there is no clear definition of the term mineralogical geosite. In general, mineralogical geosites are considered to be the location of minerals (both typical for Ukraine and unique) that have sci-entific and cognitive interest. A brief description (according to main geological structures of Ukraine) of mineralogical geosites according to the data of mainly various digests is given. In these books, they are charac-terized as mineralogical, mineralogical-petrographic and complex (geomorphological-mineral-ogical, stratigraphic-mineralogical, tectonic-mineralogical, etc.) geosites. It is noted that in Ukraine there are many more mineralogical geosites. They need to be made public, popularized, given the legal status of a geosite and especially preserved. Today, in terms of the study and promotion of mineralogical geosites, the Crimean minera-logical province looks the best, which, according to the Crimean mineralogist O. Tyshchenko, has more than 45 actual mineralogical geosites. The Ukrainian Shield is an extremely promising structure for the allocation of mineralogical geosites. It contains a number of deposits of precious, rare and rare earth metals (including new industrial-genetic types) with a huge variety of mineral species and varieties. Bright examples are such mainly complex deposits with rare minerals as Perzhanske deposit of beryllium (gent-helvine), Polokhivske deposit of lithium (petalite), rare-earth Azov deposit (britholite, zircon), Zhovtorichnianske and Pershotravneve deposits (Sc in aegirine and riebeckite).


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How to Cite

Matkovskyi, O. (2024). MINERALOGICAL GEOSITES OF UKRAINE. Mineralogical Collection, (70), 64–81. Retrieved from https://journals.lnu.lviv.ua/index.php/mineralogy/article/view/182