monographic description, miospores, palynology, Visean, Serpukhovian, Mississip-pian, Carboniferous, Volyn-Podillian margin of the Eastern European platform.Abstract
The most important stage of palynological research of Carboniferous of Volyn-Podillian margin of the Eastern European platform (VPM EEP) is a clear identification of miospores and their monographic study, the main components of which are morphological and morphometric investigations, taxonomic determination of genera and species by the morphological and comparative method and the definition of their stratigraphical and geographical spreading. The object of research are dispersed Triquitrites (Wilson et Coe, 1940) Potonie et Kremp, 1954, which are indicators of deposits of the Mississippian subsystem of the Carboniferous system. The main diagnostic features of this genus are a trilete aperture, triangular outlines with slightly concave sides, the presence at the equator of a thickened exine in the form of crassituda, which is reduced on the sides and well expressed at the corners of the spores. During their taxonomic study, formal, taxonomy of M. V. Oshurkova was used. According to this taxonomy, for the first time for the Carboniferous palynology of the VPM EEP, a monographic description of five species was given. They are: Triquitrites batillatus Hughes et Playford, 1961; Triquitrites comptus Williams, 1973; Triquitrites trivalvis (Waltz, 1938) Potonie et Kremp, 1956; Triquitrites trivalvis (Waltz, 1938) Potonie et Kremp, 1956; Triquitrites piramidalis (Kedo et Juschko, 1966) Stempien et Turnau, 1988, belonging to the Auriculati infraturma, the Zonotriletes subturma, the Acavatitriletes suprasubturma, the Triletes turma, and are key or characteristic species of the Mississippian, namely for the Visean and Serpukhov-ian parts of the Carboniferous section of the VPM EEP.
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