
  • A. Ivanina


spores, pollen, complex palynological characteristics, palynozone, Bashkirian, Lower Pennsylvanian, Volyn-Podillia margin of the East-Europian platform


Spores and pollen - one of the most important floristic groups, which is used for dismemberment and correlation of sedimentary deposits. Palynological material is mass, with numerous taxa and the significant lateral distribution. During biostratigraphic studying, it is offered to use quantitative and qualitative indicators of palynospectra. The source material is data on the spreading spores and pollen in sequence and laterally. The main tool for the bedding of sediments by the palynological data is the palynozone. This is the specialized biostratigraphic unit - sediments containing a unique set of different categories of taxa (according to the peculiarities of vertical distribution - key, characteristic, transit ones; on the content - dominant, subdominant, accessory), combined in the zonal complex. For Bashkirian (Lower Pennsylvanian) of the Volyn-Podilsky margin of the East-European platform on the example of the palynozone Vestispora costata–Knoxisporites polygonalis the newest way of presenting biostratigraphic material in the form of a standardized and unified system of description of palynostratigraphic subdivisions was used. Stratons characteristic uncludes such main signs: zone‟s category, it‟s laterial spreading, thickness, quantitative and qualitative miospores‟ contain, age, correlation with other stratigraphycal units and so on. Such form of stratigraphical information is very easy to the perception and the conservation, and it is reliable tools for analysis of valid scientific data.


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