
  • O. Hnylko
  • S. Hnylko
  • R. Marchenko


stratigraphy, foraminifera, Cretaceous, Paleogene, turbidites, Ukrainian Carpathians, sedimentological features


The article aim is to generalize the stratigraphy and to reconstruct the depths and some processes of sedimentation of the deposits located in the southwestern part of the Ukrainian Carpathians in the Dukla tectonic Unit (Nappe) according to the analysis of the small foraminifera and sedimentological data. This is an actual both theoretical and practical problem, as it allows to improve the prognosis of the flysch lithofacies location as the potential hydrocarbon reservoirs. The presented work describes the stratigraphy of the Dukla Unit deposits, which form a continuous stratigraphic succession from the Albian to the Oligocene. Cenomanian-Turonian, Cretaceous-Paleogene (Maastrichtian-Danian) and Eocene-Oligocene boundaries are proved micropaleontologically in the Dukla sedimentary succession. The boundary between Cenomanian and Turonian is expressed lithologically by the lower boundary of the cherry-red mudstones with the green rocks. The Maastrichtian - Danian boundary is marked in the uniform flysch by the disappearance of the Cretaceous Globotruncanita, Abathomphalus and the appearance of the Paleogene Globoconusa, Parasubbotina Globanomalina, Praemurica, which corresponds to global changes at the Cretaceous-Paleogene boundary. The Eocene – Oligocene boundary is fixed into the “Globigerina Marl”. The Dukla sedimentary succession is a typical flysch which had been accumulated by the catastrophic turbidite and other gravitational flows and by the (hemi)pelagic “particle by particle” clay sedimentation, as our research has shown. The clay sediments were enriched with the buried in situ benthic and planktonic microfauna, the analysis of which allowed us to reconstruct the changes in the paleobathymetry of the flysch basin. Bulk of the Cretaceous and Paleocene-Eocene (up to latest Eocene) Dukla flysch succession is enriched with agglutinated foraminifers of the genera Silicobathysiphon, Nothia, Rhabdammina, Hyperammina, Ammodiscus, Reophax, Subreophax, Hormosina, Caudammina, Haplophragmoides, Recurvoides, Trochamminoides, Paratrochamminoides, Reticulophragmium, Karrerulina, belonging to the deep-water agglutinated foraminifera (DWAF) and indicating the bathyalabyssal depths below the CCD according to the taxonomic composition and morphological features. Admixture of planktonic and/or calcareous benthic foraminifera in some sediments of this age may indicate both the fluctuations in the CCD level (Albian-Cenomanian boundary) and the changes in seabed relief (Paleocene-Eocene). Hemipelagic clay-carbonate deposits of the “Globigerina Marl” (late Late Eocene-Early Oligocene) are enriched with planktonic foraminifera and contain calcareous benthos from the genera Nodosaria, Cibicidoides, Oridorsalis, Gyroidina Heterolepa, Bolivina indicating paleobasin shallowing. Oligocene deposits are characterized by planktonic and calcareous benthic foraminifera, which identify the open shelf and upper bathyal depths. The turn from the bathyal-abyssal depth to the upper bathyal-sublittoral depth, which took place at the turn of the Eocene and Oligocene, could be caused by synsynsedimentary tectonic movements - decollement of the flysch masses from its sedimentary substratum and thrusting in the platform direction. The horizontal component of the thrust movements led to shallowing and, subsequently, to the cessation of the sedimentation in the Dukla subbasin at the Oligocene.


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