
  • O. Kotlyar


Brachiopoda, Rhynchonellida, Colophragma, Ptychomaletoechia, Lower Famennian, Volhyn-Podilla, Ukraine


The lower Famennian Brachiopods from the Volhyn-Podillian monocline are abundant, various and well preserved, but these preliminary investigations need to be completed by a detailed and thorough study. The scientific community has still not grasped this potential wealth of information. Two new rhynchonellid species Colophragma balinskii sp. nov. and Ptychomaletoechia pauli sp. nov. are described in detail and adequately illustrated from the lowermost Famennian of this region. Studing of these rhynchonellids make possible the correlation of our sections with the Debnik anticline (Southern Poland) and with other Famennian regions.The type section is deposited in north-west part of the Volhyn-Podillian monocline, named Kowel (or Locatchi) uplift. The type level is Sadov horison (zadonsk and eletz beds of Russia), Varezhanskaja suite (formation), Palmatolepis triangularis–Palmatolepis crepida conodont Zones. The present paper is the first step to forming the Atlas of Devonian (Middle and Upper parts) Brachiopods of the Volhyn-Podillian region.


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