
  • Y. Tuzyak


foraminifera, Middle Miocene, Paratethys, paleoecology, paleogeography


Modern microfaunistic studies of Miocene Podillya (West of Ukraine) contributed to obtaining new results in fixing the Badenian–Sarmatian boundary (Buhliv beds). Based on the study of microfossils of various taxonomic ranks (foraminifera, corals, bryozoa, polychaetes, ostracods, mollusks), the important and unconditional importance of foraminifera has once again been proved not only as reliable indicators of living environments, but also as single and valuable groups for determining the age of rocks. For the first time for Early Sarmatian sediments (Buhliv beds) of the Podillya territory (Vanzhuliv village, Ternopil region), a monographic description of one of the ecozone Globorotalia menardii–Anomalinoides dividens–Spirolina austracs biomarkers was discovered and presented. Its morphological features, taxonomic position and biostratiphic significance have been clarified.


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