


virtual museum, virtual tour (excursion), virtual tourism, paleontology, promotion, cultorological aspect


The Virtual Museum is a unique technology, one of the means of digitalization, which allows you to expand the possibilities of e-Learning, education and tourism, preserve the natural, historical, cultural and spiritual heritage for posterity and make visiting any museum in the world, natural miracle or architectural masterpiece accessible to all people on the planet who have access to the Internet. Over the past few years, a virtual tour has become an indispensable attribute of the presentation of various cultural and educational institutions: museums, libraries, higher scientific institutions and the like. So, virtual excursions are the latest modern techniques for promoting museums and museum objects (including paleontological ones), a new phenomenon in Ukraine, whose role in the field of education, science and tourism is growing. This promotion tool requires innovative computer technology. The article considers the importance of virtual tours for the promotion of natural and cultural values of the Paleontological Museum of Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, the concept, advantages and disadvantages of virtual excursions, their functions. Modern virtual tour services are given. A review of methods and software for obtaining high-quality images was carried out. Recommendations on selection and application of digital programs for received information processing are given. The importance of 3D-tours and 3D-images for education, science, personal development and society as a whole has been determined.


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