geology, micropaleontology, stratigraphy, foraminifera, Upper Cretaceous, Campanian, Ukrainian Carpathians, Vezhany Nappe, Peniny ZoneAbstract
The features of the benthic foraminifera distribution in the Campanian interval of the Upper Cretaceous Puchov Formation (the Vezhany Nappe and the Pieniny Klippen Belt of the Ukrainian Inner Carpathians) were analyzed. The lower boundary of the Campanian, which is characterized by the change of mudstones to marly deposits, is determined by the occurrence of Caudammina gigantea (Geroch), Goesella rugosa (Hanzlikova), Globotruncana rugosa (Marie) in the upper part of studied section of the Puchov Formation (Vezhany Nappe). The marls of the upper part of the Puchov Formation contain planktonic foraminifers Globotruncana ventricosiformis Maslakova, Globotruncana rosetta (Carsey) of Campanian age and Contusotruncana morozovae (Maslakova), Globotruncana arca (Cushman), Globotruncanita elevata (Brotzen) of Campanian–Maastrichtian age. Benthic foraminifera, both agglutinated with calcareous cement and calcareous forms, are also widely developed here. The first occurrence of Rzehakina inclusa (Rzehak), which corresponds to the late Campanian, was noted in the upper part of the Puchov Formation. A change in the composition of foraminiferal associations was noted at the boundary of the Puchov and Yarmuta formations, which is primarily associated with a change in sedimentation conditions from carbonate to non-carbonate. A paleontological description of the species Marssonella crassa (Marsson), Glavulinoides subparisiensis (Grzybowski), Eponides subcandidulus (Grzybowski), Globorotalites conicus (Carsey), Reussella shainochae (Grzybowski), which were not previously described for the Ukrainian Carpathians, is provided.
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