sponge spicules, morphospecies, living conditions, paleobasin, Late Albian, Early Cenomanian, Middle Cenomanian, Volyn-PodilliaAbstract
The micropaleontological study results obtained on spicules of flint sponges from the Upper Albian, Lower and Middle Cenomanian deposits of Volyn-Podillia are given. In the studied sediments, sponge spicules complexes were identified, which characterize the Upper Albian, Lower and Middle Cenomanian age of the rocks. Based on the analysis of the systematic composition of spicules of sponges that were found in the Upper Albian, Lower and Middle Cenomanian sediments of the Volyn-Podillia, it was established that they belong to the following class of sponges: Demospongea. The class Tetraxonida is distinguished in the class Demospongea. Among the spicules belonging to representatives of the order Tetraxonida, there are those belonging to sponges with an unconnected skeleton – suborder Astrophora and to sponges with a connected lithistid skeleton consisting of various desms – suborder Desmophora. Among the suborders Astrophora and Desmophora, a number of families and, with some probability, genera of sponges that existed in the Upper Albian, Lower and Middle Cenomanian basins of the research area were distinguished based on their characteristic spicules. Based on the established systematic composition of sponge spicule complexes and the revealed features of the distribution of morphospecies of sponge spicules in the Upper Albian, Lower and Middle Cenomanian sediments of the research area, an attempt was made to reproduce the composition of the sponge association that inhabited the paleobasin in the Late Albian, Early and Middle Cenomanian times in the study area. Depending on the conditions of existence, some conditions for the existence of sponges have been restored, and changes in the development and composition of their groups in the studied areas of the paleobasin during the Late Albian, Early and Middle Cenomanian times have been evaluated.
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