geology, paleontology, facies-palynological analysis, palynoorictocenosis, methodology, the Volyn-Podilskyi outskirts of the East European Platform (Western Ukraine)Abstract
Facies-palynological analysis, or the method of palynorictocenoses, is an example of a systematic approach to the study of insoluble dispersed organic matter (DOR). Developed on the example of the study of Middle Paleozoic sediments of the Volyn-Podilskyi outskirts of the East European Platform (Western Ukraine). It involves the complex application of lithological-facies and palynological methods of studying sedimentary rocks. The polyfacies of the burial, significant lateral distribution, fast rates of evolution, polytaxonity and mass of palynological material increase the informativeness and objectivity of the method and turn palynological objects into an important group for obtaining complex information about the contained sedimentary rocks and natural resources. The method of facies and palynological analysis was developed for the first time, it is quite complex, it covers the following stages: field, laboratory and scientific processing. At each stage, a certain sequence of operations and procedures is provided, which are characterized in detail. Research begins with the selection of rock samples in the field, followed by laboratory processing, study of morphology, determination of the qualitative and quantitative composition of components of dispersed organic matter and the type of NDOR. From the palynological data obtained for each section, data-sets are formed – the source material for obtaining complex information about the age and stratigraphic position of the host rocks, the composition and genetic type of NDOR, the degree of thermal and geochemical transformations, and paleotemperatures. Note that the characteristics of NDOR (composition, ratio of components), the degree of maturity of organic matter, the stage of transformation of organic matter are determined on the basis of standard palynological preparations without additional costs for special equipment and technical processing of samples.
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