
  • V. Ogar


Carboniferous, Mississippian, Rugose corals, Dorlodotia, Ukraine


Тwo species of colonial rugose corals Dorlodotia S a le e , 1920 are described. Dorlodotia briarti S alee is widely spread species in the Lower Visean of Western Europe and Asia Minor. A clear identification of this species in the Donets Basin gives additional information for interregional stratigraphic correlation and for paleogeographical reconstructions. The second species is characterized by complicated axial structure and developed minor septa. It is similar to Thysanophyllum vermiculare D eg tja re v , 1973 described in the Urals. It’s belonging to the genus Dorlodotia should be confirmed by additional research. Some discussion points of phylogeny and systematic position of Dorlodotia are considered.


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