
  • N. Maslun
  • A. Andreeva-Grigorovich
  • М. Ivanik
  • D. D. Waga
  • N. Zhabina
  • S. Hnylko
  • I. Suprun
  • L. Mintuzova


planctonic foraminifera, calcareous nannofossils, dinocysts, biozonal scheme, correlation, Paleogene, Ukraine


The interpretation of the large dataset concerning the spatial-temporal distribution of Planctonic Foraminifera, Calcareous nannofossils and Dinocysts in the Paleogene sediments of Ukraine is provided. The characteristics of the stratigraphic distribution of planktonic fossil assemblages in the Paleogene sections, their specifics of the zonal subdivision based on the defined correlation levels are given. As a result of an integrated study the zonal subdivision of Paleogene sediments of Ukraine is substantiated, and an interregional correlation of various facies of the Paleogene sections with the International Stratigraphic Scheme is undertaken. Biozonal scheme based on the planctonic microfossils of the Paleogene of Ukraine is given.


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