small-scale fauna, upper Bayesian, Batian, bivalves and gastropods, Predobudrudzhsky basin, Dniester-Prut interfluve, Dnieper-Donetsk basin, facies conditionsAbstract
When studying the species diversity of a group of small-sized mollusks (Bivalvia and Gastropoda) from the Upper Bayesian deposits of the Dniester-Prut interfluve, the question arose about the faunistic connections of the small-sized fauna of the Jurassic of the Predobudruzhsky trough with western European and eastern European water areas. At the beginning of the Late Bayesian, the paleogeographic situation is restructured, due to a major transgression and accompanied by migration of fauna. The similarity of the faunal complexes of the Dnieper-Donets basin, the Donbas and the Predobudruzhsky trough is explained by the identical ecological conditions of these basins and very close facies conditions.
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