


paleontology, paleoorganisms, fossil remains, geotourism, geotourist objects, geoheritage, Middle Transnistria, Ternopil region


Geotourism, which is a component of scientific tourism, is distinguished among other types of tourism by its scientific and educational direction. This is not just contemplation of interesting places, but a certain interaction with objects, assessment and analysis of their condition, scientific significance, value. The locations of paleoorganisms are important objects for research related to the detection of past climatic changes, the evolution of species, the establishment of geochronology, which can attract the attention of scientifically savvy tourists. Within the studied region there are such objects that deserve attention. In general, a passported description for 6 objects of Middle Transnistria was selected and created for the first time, each of which has its own unique paleontological findings. The Silurian reference section of Podillia, which is characterized by the completeness of the section, varied facies composition, good exposure and broad paleontological characterization, deserves attention from the representatives of the European geological heritage. In the article, the Silurian outcrops of Dzvenigorod, Trubchin, and Bilievets are singled out and characterized in detail in the form of certified descriptions. The locations of the Devonian flora near the village are also highlighted. A point within the Devonian outcrop, which is important for establishing the history of the development of the plant world. The presented objects were characterized externally according to such features as: group, type, category, stratigraphic position, lithological characteristics, paleontological characteristics, scientific significance, value of the object, etc. Passported descriptions will be important for further research and development of geotourism within the studied region. The most interesting objects from this list, the Dzvenigorod, Trubchyn, and Bilivetske outcrops, are located close to each other, which makes it possible to develop a single geotourist route for them. In addition, within the boundaries of the Borshchiv district, where these objects are located, there are a large number of known caves, which allows to make potential geotourist routes are even more interesting for tourists.


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