



urban paleontology, urban fossils, natural building stone, Lviv, Western Ukraine


The natural stone from which Lviv was built contains numerous remains of fossil organisms – urban fossils that have been discovered and studied for the first time in Lviv. Field surveys of natural stone and the remains of ancient organisms in the old part of Lviv were carried out at numerous observation points. A total of 67 urban fossils were discovered. The general characteristics are given, a register and a paleontological atlas of urban fossils of Lviv have been compiled. Among the biofossils: unicellular foraminifera, lower plants (fossilized colonies of lithotamnian algae), xylolites, invertebrates – bivalves, brachiopods, echinoderms; among the ichnofossils are traces of crawling. The remains of seaweed and bivalve molluscs prevail in the wall natural stone of Lviv; the remains of echinoderms are rare, they occur in paving stones and cobblestones. Lviv is a unique city for the development of urban paleontology, the search for urban fossils and the organization of geological tourism. These areas of activity will contribute to the popularization of paleontological knowledge, the growth of interest in the history of life on Earth, and the preservation of geological heritage from destruction and vandalism. In the walls and cobblestones of Lviv there are interesting natural objects - urban fossils, which are under the regime of limited protection and are recommended for urban geotourism, scientific, educational, cultural and aesthetic activities. They are concentrated close to each other, which made it possible to combine them to learn about the geological history of the territory of Lviv and to develop new approaches to tourism that combine nature, history and culture.


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