


Upper Jurassic, carbonate microfacies, organic fossils, diagnostics in thin-sections, Ukrainian Precarpathians


Upper Jurassic carbonate deposits are widespread in Precarpathia. They contain numerous microremains of various groups of organisms, which often occur in cuttings and are used to determine the facies characteristics of rocks, paleoecological and paleogeographic structures. The studying of carbonate rocks in thin-sections and determining the microfacies includes the definition of complex of organic remnants. Fossil organisms common in the Upper Jurassic sediments of the Ukrainian Precarpathians could been divided into several groups: reef-builders, reef-lovers and inhabitants of shallow water, plankton, inhabitants of stagnant lagoon. Their composition, abundance and multiplicity changed during the Late Jurassic depending on eustatic fluctuations, climatic changes and global and regional tectonic processes. The distribution of the groups of fossils in the Upper Jurassic–Berriasian deposits in the Ukrainian Precarpathians, the composition and changes in these associations in different facial zones during the Late Jurassic are present. The main diagnostic features, sketches and photos in the thin-sections typical representatives of some systematic groups (cyanobionts, red algas, siliceous and calcareous sponges, cnidarians, bryozoans, echinoderms, brachiopods, gastropods, etc.) are given. This work is a continuation of the analysis of the complex of organic remains in the deposits of the Upper Jurassic in the territory of the Ukrainian Precarpathia, with the aim of further compiling an atlas of carbonate rocks and microorganisms of the Upper Jurassic deposits of oil and gas-bearing regions of Ukraine. The atlas will be useful in the educational process during the training of geologists and will serve as a comparative material in further research.


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