


3D modelling, photogrammetry, digital technologies, evolution, biosphere, paleontology


The article discusses the use of some digital technologies in the humanitarian sphere, systematizes modern research methods. The application of such techniques and technologies as photogrammetry, video recording, 3D modelling is considered. These techniques make it possible to study an object with the least damage to it, to obtain and preserve the most complete information about it. She studies the use of digital technologies in teaching the basics of paleontology and biosphere evolution to higher education students. She takes into account various aspects of her approach, including virtual reality, 3D modelling, database, computer simulation, and online courses. Achieving virtually realistic and extended realism allows students to interact with paleontological objects and biosphere processes instead of modifications. This helps them better understand extinct species, past environments, and evolutionary changes. 3D modelling and printing allow for the creation of accurate digital models of fossils and other paleontological knowledge. This gives students the opportunity to study detailed organ structures and develop physical models for detailed description. Searching databases and geographic information systems allows you to collect, retrieve, and analyze large amounts of paleontological data. This helps to compare data, establish relationships between organisms, and reconstruct ecosystems of past eras. Computer modelling and data analysis allow us to continue sequential virtual experiments, conduct evolutionary processes, and analyze genetic data. This contributes to a better understanding of the factors that influence the evolution of organisms and the biosphere. Currently, there is a tendency to use these technologies and methods in a comprehensive manner when studying one object. The conclusion is made about the possibility of using digital technologies in the study of the basics of paleontology and biosphere evolution, which will bring the sciences of paleontology and biosphere evolution to a new level. The article describes the use of digital technologies in the process of studying the evolution of the biosphere by students of higher education. Various aspects of this use are considered, which contribute to the improvement of the learning process. The main issues addressed in the abstract are: 1. The achievements of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) in the context of the evolution of the biosphere. These technologies allow students to interact with virtual objects and scenarios related to evolutionary processes, which helps to visualize and understand complex concepts. 2. Development of a computer program and analytical tools for modelling and analyzing evolutionary data. These tools allow students to identify and analyze data that should evolve in the biosphere and analyze the factors that influence these changes. 3. Search for online resources and interactive platforms to access relevant data and resources on the evolving biosphere. Students can independently select materials, bring them to the discussion and discuss with experts in the field. 4. Creating 3D modelling and designing models for implantation of complex morphology and structure of organs that have become extinct or disappeared in past eras. This allows students to gain a realistic understanding of organisms and their evolution. Students acquire theoretical knowledge in the study of evolutionary processes in the biosphere; the principles and mechanisms of evolution are considered, and various factors contributing to evolutionary processes in living organisms and ecosystems are studied. 1. Examination of empirical documents. Students are given the opportunity to study paleontological knowledge, geological studies, genetic data, and other sources of empirical information related to evolution. You learn how to analyze data and prove them using the formula for determining values and hypotheses. 2. Modelling and simulation. Students may have the opportunity to choose computer programs for modelling evolutionary processes and virtual simulators. This allows them to experiment with different parameters and levels, use values, and analyze the principles of evolution. 3. Project groups and robot calculation. Students can work in groups, following general recommendations and projects that should be developed in the biosphere. This helps to develop communication skills, teamwork and exchange of ideas.


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