
  • Zenon Hevpa
  • Ihor Kutsmur
  • Vasyl Dyakiv




tailings deposit, potash Stebnytske deposit, beneficiation technology, storage of beneficiation waste, assessment of the ecological state, analysis, forecast.


An analysis of the operation of the tailings storage facility of the Stebnytskyi HPP “Polymineral” in the past, including the emergency dam breach in 1983, which was recognized as an environmental disaster of a regional scale, the current state and prospects for solving existing environmental problems, was conducted. The results of the monitoring of the state of the dams, the mineral composition of the solid phase and the chemical composition of the water are presented. The tailings storage facility of the Stebnytskyi HPP “Polymineral” belongs to the objects of increased ecological danger, where waste from the enrichment of potash ores was accumulated for a long time. The imperfection of the enrichment technology led to the accumulation of known volumes of solid and liquid phases. On September 15, 1983, a catastrophic accident occurred at the Stebnytskyi tailings facility, which led to the pollution of the Dniester River for hundreds of kilometers and was the result of the coincidence of several objective (natural) and subjective (technological-technological) factors, sulfur being one of the determining factors the decisive factor was the operation of the tailings storage facility for a long time at critical values above the design levels - overflowing with the liquid phase. The current overflow of two sections of the tailings pond with liquid phase poses a potential threat of a repeat of the 1983 accident in the present. After the accident in 1983, the Stebnytsky tailings dam was additionally strengthened and, since then, has been continuously operated in an accident-free mode. 13 million cubic meters of liquid and solid phase have been accumulated here, in recent years, especially in 2022, it has been operated with the level of the liquid phase in sections No. 1 and No. 2. According to the proposed model, the main elements of the material balance of the two-section tailings storage facility of the Stebnytskyi HPP “Polymineral” are: 1) Atmospheric precipitation falling on the area of the tailings storage facility; 2) Evaporation from the surface of the liquid and solid phases of water; 3) Regulated discharge of the liquid phase into the river network; 4) Removal of the solid phase (solid non-standard sodium chloride with admixtures of clay and other components) outside the tailings storage facility.


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