
  • Liubov Fihura
  • Myron Kovalchuk



Korostensky pluton, Mezhyrichne deposit, Bukinska area, ilmenite, average content, lateral distribution, productive deposits.


Brief information on the geological structure and ilmenite content of the Bukinska area of the Mezhyrichne deposit of titanium ores, which is located within the Volyn megablock, in the central part of the Korosten pluton, in the northeastern part of the Volodar-Volynsk massif, is presented. A target database containing the coordinates, description and test results of 732 wells has been created to study the ore potential of the Bukinska area. It was found that the main ore-bearing potential of the ilmenite of the Bukinska area is contained in the weathering crust of the crystalline rocks of the foundation and the Lower Cretaceous alluvial deposits (Aptian-lower Albian) of the Irshanska suite, which fill the buried river paleovalleys and were formed due to erosion and redeposition of eluvium. Mesozoic alluvium and Lower Cretaceous alluvium make up the main productive layer of the area. With erosion, the Upper Cretaceous (Turonian) coastal-marine deposits of the Moshno-Rudnyanska suite are sporadically deposited on the weathering crust of the crystalline rocks of the basement and alluvial deposits of the Aptian-lower Albian. Due to the erosion and partial redeposition of ilmenite-bearing eluvial and Lower Cretaceous alluvial deposits, in coastal-marine facies conditions, the formation of the Mozhno-Rudnyanska suite also contains ilmenite in significant quantities. Using the database, the structural (absolute marks of top and bottom surface, and thickness of deposits) and ore (average ilmenite content) parameters of ilmenite-bearing deposits of different ages and genetics (Mesozoic- Cenozoic eluvium, fluvial continental deposits of the Irshanska suite, coastal-marine deposits of the Moshno-Rudnyanska suite) were investigated. The direction and strength of the correlations between the ilmenite content and the ilmenite content and thickness in sediments of different ages and genetics were investigated. On the basis of the database, cartographic constructions were created that reflect the lateral distribution of the average ilmenite content for various options for combining ilmenite-bearing formations of different ages and different facies in the composition of the productive layer. Taking into account the spatial and paragenetic nature of the distribution of the ore-bearing crust of weathering, alluvial, alluvial-deluvial and coastal-marine deposits, the average content of ilmenite in these formations, we consider it reasonable to recommend that the operational development of the deposit be carried out with the involvement of various genetic deposits of these three stratigraphic levels in the productive layer. The obtained results are the information basis for the assessment of the ore-bearing potential and investment attractiveness of the Bukinska area and scientific support of mining operations.


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