
  • Yaryna Tuzyak
  • Ulyana Bornyak
  • Maryna Ragulina



Miocene, petrified wood, Roztocze, silicification.


Petrified wood is a geological phenomenon of national and international importance, belongs to the category of paleobotanical natural monuments. This is a unique gem, which is interesting not only for its decorative properties, but also for its origin, which is the subject of discussion of more than one generation of geologists and does not have a single view among researchers. Fossilized wood remains have long attracted and attracted the attention of scientists, merchants, collectors. This is a material that is actively used in everyday life. At the present stage, wood species of various mineral compositions are found in the fossil state. They can be replaced by calcium carbonate or phosphate, various iron and copper minerals, manganese oxide, fluorite, barite, natrolite and smectite clay, gypsum, goethite. In some cases, fossilized wood may contain veins of gold, silver, uranium. The most famous, most common and most studied is the fossilized wood mineralized by polymorphic cancellations of silica – opal, chalcedone and quartz. Regardless of the composition, mineralization processes occur with the participation of the same factors: the presence of dissolved elements, pH, Eh and burial temperature. Also equally important in mineralization are the permeability of wood and anatomical features. When deposition processes occur in several steps, fossil wood can have complex mineralogy. The purpose of the research is to recreate a holistic picture of the evolution of the planet Earth from fragments of the geological and paleontological record based on the study of the paleobotanical remains of the territory of Ukraine, which consists in clarifying: a) the history of research and revision of the results achieved and conclusions on this topic; b) stratigraphic position and systematic affiliation of paleobotanical finds; c) mineralogical composition of paleoflora and geochemical conditions of metasomatosis; d) the paleofloristic treasure of Ukraine as a natural monument of national and international importance with the prospect of use in the future.


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