
  • Antonina Ivanina Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
  • Milena Bogdanova Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
  • Volodymyr Losiv TOV “Scientific-production technical enterprise “Geological Technologies”
  • Mykhailo Yaremovych TOV “Scientific-production technical enterprise “Geological Technologies”
  • Oleksandr Kostyuk Ivan Franko National University of Lviv




geology, stratigraphy, litho-facies analysis, lithogenotypes, typical sections, Langian stage, Miocene, Neogene, Roztochchia


Roztochchia is a complex region located in the north-west of the Lviv region in the form of a narrow strip. While for more than a century of history of the study of this region, its geological structure has not been sufficiently studied. It is characterized by a significant spread of discontinuous faults that break it into tectonic blocks; facies variability of deposits; the presence of numerous erosion remains, etc. In Roztochka there are deposits of the Neogene system, which are laterally unweathered, polyfacies, with different stratigraphic positions. For their study, the optimal set of methods was chosen, namely lithologic-facies analysis (updated technique) in combination with stratigraphic and paleontological studies. At the first stage of the study, a complete set of visual examinations of numerous outcrops was carried out, rocks were typified with the selection of lithogenotypes; for each outcrop, the sequence of lithogenotypes and their stratigraphic position was determined. Then typification of sections was carried out. Currently, such studies have been initiated and performed only for the central part of the Ukrainian Roztochchi. In total, 13 outcrops were studied, the structure of which includes clastic (sands and sandstones) and carbonate (limestones) rocks of the Miocene Langian stage. Eight lithogenotypes were identified – three among clastic rocks and five limestone lithogenotypes. Based on the set of lithogenotypes, stratigraphic position, facies change trends and sedimentation environments, the completeness of the sections, outcrops were typified and four typical sections were determined for different stratigraphic levels of the Neogene section. Detailed characteristics of lithogenotypes and typical sections are given for the first time.


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