
  • Vasyl Dyakiv Ivan Franko National University of Lviv
  • Zenon Hevpa State Institution “The Institute of Environmental Geochemistry of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine”
  • Oleksiy Ogirchak Stebnytsk Gymnasium № 6 Named after the Heroes of the ATO of Drohobytsk TG




salt karst, Stebnytsky potash deposit, geological environment, evolution of changes, hydrogeological conditions, landscape self-organization, karst lake, depression watering can, repression cone


The evolution of post-mining changes in hydrogeological conditions in the zone of influence of the largest karst sinkholes № 27 and № 30 within the Stebnytsky deposit of potash salts, the transformation of suprasalt deposits due to the activation of karst collapse phenomena, and the formation of karst lakes in their place are described. An assessment of changes in the geological environment and self-organization of the landscape is presented. It was established that before and after the formation of sinkhole № 27, which occurred on September 30, 2017, the entire layer of suprasaline deposits was drained. As a result, failure #27 was dry for several months. Only in April 2018, a small karst lake appeared here, the size of which was slowly increasing due to the presence of suprasaline deposits in the aeration zone, due to clogging, water accumulated under the condition of partial unloading through the repression cone into unflooded mine № 2. With the formation of sinkhole № 30, which occurred on March 15, 2020, also due to the presence of suprasaline sediments in the aeration zone of a much lower power, a karst lake appeared almost immediately in its place, the bottom sediments of which also ensured the preservation of the reservoir due to clogging, on the condition of partial unloading through the second repression cone and slowly increased until the complete flooding of mine № 2. After the complete flooding of mine № 2 in 2021, the repression cones disappeared, average hydrogeological conditions characteristic of the natural landscapes of the dry land of this territory were established, and the levels of karst lakes began to rise much faster. The dynamics of self-flooding of the two largest karst sinkholes within mine № 2 of the Stebnytsky deposit of potash salts and the changes in hydrogeological conditions that occur at the same time were evaluated. In particular, the temporal dynamics of changes in sinkholes № 27 and № 30 and the karst lakes formed in them were analyzed, the influence of mining and geological factors in the formation of morphology and hydrogeological conditions was revealed, and a forecast of landscape self-organization was made. The discharge of waters of the Quaternary aquifer into karst depressions is the main hydrogeological condition for raising the level in lakes. After the lakes are completely flooded, it is predicted that the primary filtration discharge of the lake at the site of failure № 27 into the lake at the site of failure № 30, and from it to the stream of Soletska Balka.


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