Requirements for execution

Accepted articles in Ukrainian, English never before published by nor submitted for publication in other editions. The paper of 10 pages (editor Microsoft Word, font Times New Roman 14 (of the author, abstracts, essay, literature and its transliterated), interval 1.5, all banks – 25 mm paragraph – 10 mm). The text does not use hyphenation; use smart quotes ( «»); distinguish the characters dash (-) and a dash (–); initials separated by a space indissoluble names (keyboard shortcut Ctrl + Shift + Space).

The material should include:

- UDC (universal decimal classifier) should be placed before the title of the article, on a separate line, in the upper left corner.

- Article title.

- Indicate information about the author (authors), indicating the surname and first name, place of work and its full address, e-mail of each co-author; the line below - ORCID numbers, Scopus-Author ID (if there are indexed publications in Scopus). The name of the author(s) should be highlighted in bold and italics, other information only in italics.

- Submit abstract in Ukrainian (at least 1,800 characters).

The abstract should be structured as an abstract, in which the following are indicated: the purpose of the work, methodology, scientific novelty, conclusions.

The article should consist of the following structural elements: statement of the problem; research analysis; goal; presenting main material; conclusions and prospects for further research, which should be highlighted in bold in the text.

- List of used literature, arranged alphabetically according to the requirements of the National Standard of Ukraine DSTU 8302:2015 "Information and documentation. Bibliographic reference. General provisions and rules of drafting".

- References should be submitted after the list of used literature. Such a list is necessary for the correct indexing of article references by scientometric and search engines; it duplicates the first list in Latin and cites Cyrillic sources in transliterated form and translation (titles of the author's research) according to APA style. For transliteration, we use the Online Transliteration site.

- Title of the article, information about the authors, abstract, keywords in English.

If the article is written in English, information in Ukrainian is provided at the end of the article.

In-text references to the bibliography are indicated by a number in square brackets according to the number in the bibliography, for example [2] or [5; 9]. If a quotation is used in the text of the article, it is necessary to indicate the number of the source in the list of references and the page, for example [1, p. 10], where 1 is the serial number in the list, 10 is the page number.

Prohibition to refer to the aggressor state’s scholarly papers
It is prohibited citing and including in the reference list russian-language contributions published in any country, incl. papers written in other languages but published in russia and belarus.